Monday 11 January 2010

Memories by my side

I've been enjoying winters a lot. There’s been a lot of Drawing, painting and guitar classes all this winter. I love walking in the woods, isolated and quite or perhaps just sit back and relax under the shades of the lush green trees, admiring every little creation of nature and startled by their beauty. For a moment I forget about the piles of work on my desk and walk with the silence holding hands. I want to go and on listening to it, deeper into the serenity but sooner or later, we all have to wake up from the dream :) I know it'll be all over soon as the summer returns back but I will cherish all these memories in these pictures and of course in my heart. I am a dreamer and always will be :) 

''Memories are like flowers. The perfume of memories and flowers stay with us forever''







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